Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Time is Near

On August 14, we will be boarding a plane to Barcelona to once again begin a journey on the Camino De Santiago.  On our previous walk, we were not exactly sure what we were getting into.  We never expected the trip to have such an impact on our lives.  So this time we will begin our trip at the beginning of the Camino Frances in St. Jean Pied de Port.  Our experiences from last time have shaped a different attitude in us that will change slightly the way we approach traversing the trail.  We hope to have laid aside our anxiety over where we might stay, what we might eat or whether we are "on time" or not.  We cannot expect for there to be no rain over the course of this six-week (approx) walk (we had no rain last time).  We are going to adopt the adage that Eric frequently uttered on our hike through Israel:  "The trail will provide!"  We have also pared down our packs and are traveling with fewer and smaller items.  We have concerns over whether the footwear we have chosen will be adequate for the length of our walk but we know that we can get something new along the way should they fail.  We have also done a bit more preparation with our Espanol.  So our hearts, minds, bodies and backpacks are basically ready to go!

Why go again?  Why do some go on this pilgrimage over and over again?  Those questions have a myriad of answers. A simple lifestyle.  A peaceful, beautiful walk.  Meditative time.  A diverse community.  A sense of accomplishment.  For some, maybe it's an escape from the "real" world.  I could go on and on.  For me, I'm not sure I would have chosen to go back had Joan not felt a real desire to do the whole path.  So part of my motives are to simply be with her (her motives go beyond simply walking the whole path.  I know she will share those as this blog goes on).  But my hope is that I will be still, be aware and be open to maybe a new purpose or new enlightenment or new motive as we explore Spain.

Buen Camino, y'all.

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